Share Your Article

Share Your Article

by O'Connor Michael -
Number of replies: 22

In 1.2 A short overview of travel writing, you were asked to investigate a website and choose an example of a travel writing article 

Please tell us about what you discovered : 

  • Which site did you choose ?
  • What is the target audience for this site ?  
  • What kind of travel and tourism are the articles about (adventure, luxury, family, etc...) ?
  • What types of articles do they publish :  short, practical guides or more in-depth features?
  • Which article did you choose ? (Please include the article link) 
  • Is the article dependant on images or could you enjoy the article just by reading the text ?
  • What is your overall reaction to the article? 

(Keep your response short and simple).


Re: Share Your Article by Lecuyer Fany -
Re: Share Your Article by Colonnier Lena -
Re: Share Your Article by Sarradin Sibyle -
Re: Share Your Article by Vignot Julie -
Re: Share Your Article by Daniel Marine -
Re: Share Your Article by Morio Margaux -
Re: Share Your Article by Meron Charlyne -
Re: Share Your Article by Kuharic Oceane -
Re: Share Your Article by Braux Gabriel -
Re: Share Your Article by Decamps Theau -
Re: Share Your Article by Leclere Jeanne -
Re: Share Your Article by Denis-Wurth Melissa -
Re: Share Your Article by Manet Celia -
Re: Share Your Article by Dziubanowski Axelle -
Re: Share Your Article by Chapeau Anne -
Re: Share Your Article by Cecchi Elisa -
Re: Share Your Article by Merceron Zoe -
Re: Share Your Article by O'Connor Michael -
Re: Share Your Article by Comairas Lilou -
Re: Share Your Article by Baupin Marie -
Re: Share Your Article by Lacrouts Leo -
Re: Share Your Article by Lesieur Celine -