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Re: Share Your Article

by Vignot Julie -
Number of replies: 1
The website I went through is Express Travel (, which is a daily newspaper published in the United Kingdom. On the website, we find different tab, each corresponding to a category (Politics, Travel, Sport, Finance…). Some articles are about very specific subjects, but other deal with lighter topics (for example the following article : “Couple fuming after paying £106 for five prawns in latest Canary Islands warning”), so I would say that lots of travellers could be interested in reading those article, but perhaps some wouldn’t find them relevant. Each article takes about 5 minutes to read, contain many photos and several subtitles (or subparts).
As the Express broadcast information daily, I would tend to say that the article are not of high quality, and some are more like gossip articles. Indeed, the aim of the website is to attract readers and increase its audience.
However, I choose to read an article titled “Ryanair flight warning as ‘high winds’ hit major UK airports”, written by Esther Marshall (a travel reporter working for Express) and published the 31st of January, 2024 ( Indeed, I’m going to London soon so it seemed interesting for me to know more about this aviation company.
On first sight, photos got me excited to read the article, but while reading a lot of advertisement interfered on the page making reading unpleasant. On the another hand, the article hold several detailed information, with for example distances, anecdotes and reviews, so I’m quite confused on how to interpret this. Anyway, I definitely wouldn’t recommend this website to travellers who want real information, but I would advise them seeking through a blog or an Instagram account dedicated to a specific country. Indeed I think reviews are more valuable and authentic.
Re: Share Your Article by Daniel Marine -