On Wednesday, March 13, Polytech Angers 3A students will be meeting students from the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology in an online cultural exchange.  The exchange is in the form of a 45 minute group discussion between students in France and Poland. 

Step 1 : Preparation Group Work.  (Feb 21) 

Choose one of the following areas of Polish culture : 

  1. Greetings
  2. Religion
  3. Family
  4. Naming
  5. Etiquette
  6. Do's and Don'ts
  7. Communication

Go to  https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/polish-culture and find the information.   Report back to the group on what you have discovered.

Step 2 : More Questions  

  • Make a list of questions you would like to ask the Polish Students. Agree to the questions you want to ask as a group. 
  • Anticipate questions from the Polish students. What clichés or stereotypes might they have about French students?

Step 3 : Meet the Polish Students   (March 13)

You will have 45 minutes to discuss with the students.  Please note that we start at 8:00 promptly so you should arrive at school and be in the classroom ready to go by 7:50. 

Step 4 : Respond to the Forum Questions (After the discussion...)

Use the discussion forum to report back to the other groups.