Practice Task 1 : Post your replies here.

Re: Practice Task 1 : Post your replies here.

by Daniel Marine -
Number of replies: 1

I am sitting in a public transport that I think is the best: the train. The only noise is that of people around you, which is a sign of life. I’m sitting window-side, as always, to observe the landscape. The train is full, it’s friday evening. I am looking at a single mother who is trying to calm her two children. She looks exhausted, but she tries not to let it show in front of her two sons. They are singing and laughing louder than normal, and they run down the corridor that divides the wagon in two. Their mother keeps apologizing for the inconvenience, but the two boys are unstoppable. Then, I turn my head and my gaze catches sight of an old man. He attempts to read his newspaper, but I guess that the sound produced by the children prevent him to be concentrate. Afterwards, he looks at the little boys with an annoyed expression, the kind of unpleasant look that no one wants to face. At the same moment, a woman walks by with her dog in a bag and the kids shout even more, they start to follow the lady and their mother hurries to catch up.

Re: Practice Task 1 : Post your replies here. by O'Connor Michael -