Practice Task 2 : Layering (Post your Replies Here)

Re: Practice Task 2 : Layering (Post your Replies Here)

by Chapeau Anne -
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One summer afternoon, I was waiting for a friend, with whom I was going to have a drink, on a bench in the middle of the main square of my home town. I looked around and realized just how beautiful this square was. Only a few local residents use the small road in the middle of the square, which is entirely paved, making it a more pleasant place to be with less engine noise.
On this beautiful sunny day, many people were sitting on the terraces of the cafés and restaurants that surround this square. It was pleasant to see and hear the cheerful conversations and laughter of people of all ages ; families and friends coming together to share a good time. I could also smell the sweet perfume of the lovely flowers surrounding the war memorial.
I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling the sun warming my cheeks, when I heard my friend calling out to me: it was time to get up from the bench and join her.