Practice Task 2 : Layering (Post your Replies Here)

Re: Practice Task 2 : Layering (Post your Replies Here)

by Lecuyer Fany -
Number of replies: 1
Advancing along the promenade lined with tall swinging plants, moved by the gentle April breeze, the rumble of cars along the seaside faded behind us, quickly replaced by the repeated sound of water lifted by the short waves crashing into each other, or ending their course against the tall cliffs with steep walls and numerous fissures. The blue sky gradually takes on warm shades, and the few remaining clouds in this late afternoon are tinted with pink reflections. The golden sand dunes do not yet reveal to us the immense sandy beach towards which we are heading. The conversations of families strolling along the same path as us interrupt the sound of our footsteps sinking into the sand. Little by little, the seafront comes into view: the wide, rock-free beach is occupied by walkers accustomed to letting their dogs play at the water's edge, by runners fond of a seaside jogging at the end of the day, or by couples enjoying the mild end-of-month temperatures to open the beach picnic season. The sea is calm, seeming soothed by the sunset providing a golden glow over it, making the waves sparkle. Descending cautiously from the dunes to set our feet in the sand, the wind rises, carrying with it and blending the marine fragrances of iodine and salt, wet sand, and sea spray, calming us and making us want to di pour feet in the still fresh water.