Practice Task 2 : Layering (Post your Replies Here)

Re: Practice Task 2 : Layering (Post your Replies Here)

by Leclere Jeanne -
Number of replies: 1
It was at the end of December, right after Christmas, I was in front of the Brittany blue sea looking far away. I was barefoot in the sand and my brother was just next to me, barefoot too. It was about 6pm, it was the sunset, the half was full of the sunlight and the other half was full of threatening clouds. Just behind us there were the houses of the seafront ready to face the storm. We were in swimsuit ready to enter in this cold water, listening the waves crash on the sand and the seagulls scream in the sky. the air was a mixt of salt and sea spray. There were just us on the beach and our feeling of freedom at this time. Then, we decided to put our feet in the water. We had a shiver at first, but the adrenaline replaced this feeling right after. We decided to go farer, the cold numbing each part of our body progressively. Deeply breathing we stayed a moment in the sea, only thinking about our crazy idea. The rain starting to fall, a rainbow appearing, we enjoyed this moment so special.