Practice Task 2 : Layering (Post your Replies Here)

Re: Practice Task 2 : Layering (Post your Replies Here)

by Kuharic Oceane -
Number of replies: 1
On a mild spring afternoon, lying down on a lounge chair, I was enjoying the garden of my childhood. Situated at the back of an old farmhouse converted into a house, the garden is not very big. It's surrounded by a high stone wall with few plants on it. The garden is green at this time of year, and the vegetation is flowering. I observe with amazement the many colors that mixed perfectly together from the deep pink of azaleas to the graceful blue of hydrangeas.

From where I stand, I can smell the light, fruity fragrance of some of these plants. The garden features two enormous trees that add to its charm. I've settled down under the huge quince tree, where my parents have set out some second-hand garden furniture. This allows me to take full advantage of the gigantic cherry tree in front of me. It's a majestic tree that sends a shower of powdery pink flowers down as soon as the wind rises. I can feel the warm spring wind in my hair. Silence is almost complete in this little paradise, where all you can hear is the soft sound of the wind on the tree leaves, or the neighbor's rooster very far.

I feel calmed and happy when one of my cats appears behind a shrub and jumps to join me.