Practice Task 1 : Post your replies here.

Re: Practice Task 1 : Post your replies here.

by Decamps Theau -
Number of replies: 0
To go back to my parent's house, I must take a train from Angers. The weather is really rainy from Angers, the train is particularly quiet, quiet cause nobody talks, nobody moves in the corridor between comfortable seats of the TGV in which you feel like you are sinking in, quiet cause this hypnotizing sound of the train melts with the rain crashing in the train’s windows. In other words, I think that anyone in this train falls asleep. It was without expecting what would happen then. Indeed, it is January, it isn’t even 5:00 pm, the rain stops, the sunset shows up blinding us during our rest. However, not only the sunset show up, but people too show up. First, this old man, with his big and well-groomed mustache, his round glasses, behind him, a well-groomed corgy is following him, step by step, through the train carriage, maybe to find the WC ? In this aromatic cloud of a mixture of sandwiches, prepared salads, and hot coffee, I can say that people are definitely woken up. Then, a little boy with oversized clothes, alone, is walking as he can between the seats, I take a look and I see his mother, looking at him, then at me, sighing, knowing that if she carry him back, he would cry. That is what happened. This is also the moment to leave the train, I take my bag and walk toward the exit, during this little trip, I feel like I’m the messenger in Shrek 2, walking through a trumpet honor guard. To tell the truth, the little boy, while crying, sends a signal to two other children, "it is time to cry", and time for me, to leave !