Practice Task 1 : Post your replies here.

Re: Practice Task 1 : Post your replies here.

by Dziubanowski Axelle -
Number of replies: 0
Friday, in the morning, I just arrive at the train station, waiting for my train. The sky is blue with some touches of white and the sun ruffle my skin. There is no breeze to interrupts the rays of the sun and I decide to immerse myself with this subtle heat. Taking place on the ground, my back against a concrete wall, my heavy backpack next to me, I finally release all the tension inside my muscles. The light music that go through my ears separate myself from the rest of the world and give me the illusion that I am only an omniscient observer. My eyes land on a girl that seems to have the same age as me. Straight black hair, black clothing, and black bag on the forearm. She stands in the middle of the station, her eyes alternating between the blank screen and the train that just arrived. I understand that she asks herself if this train is the one she is waiting for. Knowing that it is, in fact, the one, I decide to quit my cloud of serenity and to pass ahead of her to get on the train. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her following my steps and getting on the train. Sitting down, I catch sight of her a few places further on. I take out my phone and start browsing through my social networks. While my eyes are focused on the screen and my ears on the music, my eyes are drawn to the black clothes that just appeared at my side. I look up and take off my headphones, coming back to reality. She was standing right in front of me, looking at me with a gentle smile.