Practice Task 1 : Post your replies here.

Re: Practice Task 1 : Post your replies here.

by Colonnier Lena -
Number of replies: 1
On a quiet Tuesday evening at the Palais des Congrès, I assumed the role of a hostess for a symphony orchestra concert. After scanning the spectators' tickets, I enter the auditorium, gently close the doors as the lights suddenly turn off : the concert is about to begin. Positioned near the entrance, I now have to keep an eye on the spectators in case they need to go out.
The average age within the room appears to hover around 60, and most of the spectators are elderly couples came to enjoy a concert together. I find it so sweat. Seated in the row in front of me, one of these couples are holding their hands, and they make comments on the fabulous music they hear. Among these elderly people, there is also a group of teenagers. I bet they are here on a school trip, and they are not very interested in the concert. Some of them are talking, laughing, and making exaggerated applause on purpose. It annoys me so bad, but I can’t do anything... To my right, a man immersed in the music beat the rhythm with his foot, his closed eyes revealing a deep connection to the melodies. I am certain he is a musician himself. As the applause echoes through the auditorium, signaling the intermission, I come back to reality. I open the doors, stand straight, smile, and guide the spectators.
Re: Practice Task 1 : Post your replies here. by O'Connor Michael -